Udabur Investment:Incorporating the global index is looking at, Indian bonds are in South Korea!This fund was bought by retail investors
Mirae India had a net inflow for the first time in three years, and the fund size soared to 32 billion won.
When Wall Street was incorporated into the global indexes around the global index, a ten -year -old Indian Bond Fund became the top of South Korea overnight.
Kim Jin Ha, director of the global solid income department of South Korean Fund Management, said that as of now, Mirae India, which is dedicated to the Fund of Mirae Asset Management CO. in the future, has increased from 24 billion won at the end of last year to the end of last year toAbout 32 billion won, which is also the first time the fund has had a net inflow in three years.
"Retail investors are becoming more and more interested in India. In the past, only a few institutional investors showed interest," Kim said in an interview with the media recently. This year, he met with eight brokers and banks dealing with local retail investors and asked about the relevant Indian bond market market.The problem, this situation is almost invisible in 2023.
Wall Street has previously mentioned that Wall Street Banks such as Barclays, Citi, and Deutsche Bank are incorporated into Indian bonds into the global bond index to road shows in various places to contact the potential investors investing in Indian bonds.
In addition, Indian sovereign bonds will be included in the global bond index that will be included in June this year.
According to Kim forecast, this move will help Indian sovereign debt to attract up to $ 30 billion in funds, exceeding the scale of Indian sovereign bonds held by foreigners.
Earlier, MSCI increased the weight of Indian stocks in the emerging market index.Since November 2020, India’s weight has almost doubled in the index, reaching 18.2%.
Kim added that India’s attraction lies in its stable currency.
Data compiled by Bloomberg show that India’s rupee is the best currency in Asia this yearUdabur Investment. The exchange rate against the US dollar has risen 0.4%this year. It is the lowest volatility in emerging market currencies.In contrast, after the fourth quarter of last year, Han Yuan fell 3.2% this year.Jaipur Wealth Management
According to Kim, he prefers the rupee bonds issued by super -national organizations (international organizations, such as the European Union).He said that such bonds account for 40% of the fund, and the rest are allocating state -owned enterprises, national bonds and foreign exchange.
According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, as of Monday, the fund’s return in the past 12 months was 9.3%, and the annual return rate in the past five years was close to 6%.
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