Kanpur Stock:Luxury Stock Market Performance Varies, Yoox Presents The Best State.

Luxury Stock Market Performance Varies, Yoox Presents The Best State.

On the last trading day of P > 2013, luxury goods were different in the open market. The down jacket brand MonclerSpA (MONC.MI) listed on the Milan stock exchange rose 7.12% to 15.86 euros. In half a month, it rose 54.9% compared with 10.2 euros in the issue price, while the performance of PradaSpA (1913.HK) continued to be depressed in 2013. In December 31st, the share price fell 1.15% to HK $69, and in 2013, it fell 6.69%.

In 2013, there was LVMH in the stock market of P > 2013Kanpur Stock. On the last trading day, the share price of LVMHMo tHennessyLouisVuittonSA (LVMH.PA) Hennessy Hennessy group rose by 0.30% to 132.60 euros, and 4.47% in 2013.

In addition to that, P RichemontSA also performed poorly. The CompagnieFinanci shares of reRichemontSA (CFR.VX) group rose 0.17% to 88.80 Swiss francs in the last trading day in 2013 December 30th, and has risen 24.19% this year.

Gucci Gucci’s parent company KeringSA (KER.PA) shares of the open cloud group fell 31 to 0.16% euros to 153.65 euros this year, up 9.09% this year.

It is noteworthy that KeringSA (KER.PA) Kai Yun group showed a dynamic growth in the stock market this year. In August, it set a record of 185.15 euros. In addition to the continued decline of Puma Puma brand, Gucci Gucci brand had a great impact on the share price trend of the group, which also caused a large fluctuation in stock prices throughout the year.

the performance of the two luxury goods companies in the UK is just the oppositeAgra Investment. BurberryGroupPLC (BRBY.L) bobury shares rose 24.31% to 1516 pence last year, while MulberryGroupPLC (MUL.L) Mai Baer shares fell 18.62% to 955 pence.

Like P > Herm sInternationalSCA (HRMS.PA) Hermes /a > International Group and KeringSA (KER.PA) Kai Yun group, it has seen a dynamic growth in the past year, reaching a high level in the middle of the yearVaranasi Stock. It was at a relatively high level in 4, May and 8 and September, and the stock price rose 16.44% throughout the year.Guoabong Wealth Management

SwatchGroupAG (UHR.VX) Swatch group performed well throughout the year, and its stock price rose 27.41%, from 461.50 euros in January 2, 2013 to 589.50 euros in the last trading day in December 30th.

SalvatoreFerragamoSpA (SFER.MI) Ferragamo showed strong performance last year and BrunelloCucinelliSpA (BC.MI) showed strong performance. In 2013, the share price rose by 66.17% and 97.22% respectively.

Tod ‘sSpA (TOD.MI) shares also had a year-round increase of 26.92%.

US jewellery brand Tiffany&Co. (NYSE:TIF) Tiffany, who benefited from sales in Greater China in 2013, performed relatively well in the stock market. The stock price has risen 59.66% to 92.78 US dollars this year.

The us light luxury brand MichaelKorsHoldingsLtd. (NYSE:KORS) continued to grow all the way, and its share price rose 54.88% to 81.19 dollars last year; Coach, Inc. (NYSE:COH) (SEHK:6388) Cochin, performing poorly due to the North American crisis, the stock price in 2013 dropped by 1.34% to 56.13 yuan.

the world’s second largest eyeglasses manufacturer SafiloGroupSpA (SFL.MI) xabono shares rose 151.50% to 17 euros last year. The world’s largest glasses manufacturer LuxotticaGroupSpA (MTA:LUX, NYSE:LUX) Lu Xun ladder group’s annual stock price rose 24.60% to 38.95 euros.

Italy luxury electric business group YooxSpA (MTA, STAR:YOOX) is the best performing luxury stock in 2013, and the stock price has risen 171.89% to 32.60 euros in the whole year.

Yoox SpA (MTA, STAR:YOOX) also became a constituent of the FTSE Italy MIB index since December 23, 2013.

Indore Investment

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